About BTC » About BTC

About BTC

Mission Statement

The mission of the Behavior Transition Center of the Granbury ISD is to provide students with a relevant program of academics and social skills in order for them to experience success in both realms. The purpose of this environment is to return them to their home campus with the confidence to establish goals and utilize learned skills to overcome obstacles in an appropriate manner and build self-confidence in the process. 

Program Description

The BTC is a setting for students who have exhibited either serious or persistent misbehavior on the originating campus or committed certain criminal acts outside of school that warrant placement on our campus away from other students. The program’s focus is on behavior modification as its primary goal. By providing students with an intense, highly structured environment away from their home campus, the student will be able to:
  1. Understand the misbehavior/consequence relationship.
  2. Analyze the behavior which resulted in BTC placement.
  3. Accept responsibility for his/her actions
  4. Appreciate the opportunities on his/her originating campus.
  5. Modify current and future behavior to prevent additional placements in BTC.